The New Design

One aspect of the new Tropicana packaging is being kept: plastic caps for the cartons, that are shaped and colored like oranges.

The Original Packaging

Tropicana is to go back to its old packaging designed by Sterling Brands, following many complaints of dislike for the new packaging designed by Arnell Group.The redesigned packaging that was introduced in early January is being discontinued, bringing the old one back. Tropicana claim that the change is due to the opinion of the few, and not the many,
“it was a fraction of a percent of the people who buy the product".
Personally, I think the change is eye-catching but very plain & bland, the design does not reflect the product. Which is one of the reasons i think it has failed.The number one complaint I've heard is that it's harder to find the specific type of juice (Ruby Red, Lots of Pulp, Calcium, etc.) you're looking for. Ive also heard people say that the new version looks more "generic."
Tropicana's equity lies in the fact that they own the orange. The symbolism of a straw stuck pushed straight through the skin of an orange is the very definition of freshness and purity. Stripping the layers of meaning away by using an image of a glass of orange juice suggests that of a me too (copycat) brand. One that does not own the definition of an orange bursting with juice, but 'just' a product, being poured into a glass. The new design suggests the product is not special, not different & definitely not ownable. This said I wouldnt personally say that the juice box couldn't have done with a redesign, but it needs one that understands, respects and makes use of the equities in an established, & well respected brand.
(images courtesy of flickr)